Els Amics de les Arts

  • Música

10 anys

A key band on the Catalan pop scene today celebrates its tenth anniversary with a concert featuring their greatest hits from over the years, accompanied by a big band.

Few bands have aroused such passion as that formed by Dani Alegret, Joan Enric Barceló, Eduard Costa and Ferran Piqué. It is ten years since they entered the Sona 9 contest with a demo entitled Catalonautes. They did not win, but they got into the final, and lots of people heard their music for the first time. The songs of Els Amics de les Arts belong to those that remember them, so it is no wonder that they had the audience in their collective pocket when they released hits like Espècies per catalogar (which they presented at the Teatre Grec in 2012) and Només d'entrar hi ha sempre el dinosaure. These are two albums that have made these “Friends of the Arts” an essential reference on the Catalan popular music today. They now celebrate their first ten years by combining songs from their latest album with their all-time greatest hits. Accompanying them in an expanded musical format will be the Vicens Martín Dream Big Band. Together, we will embark on a journey into the recent past of Catalan pop in what promises to be one of the major musical events of the summer.

Artistic card

Veu i piano: Dani Alegret ; Bateria: Ramon Aragall; Veu i guitarra: Joan Enric Barceló; Veus, moog, xilòfon i melòdica: Eduard Costa; Baix: Pol Cruells; Veu i guitarra: Ferran Piqué; Bases: Ferran Piqué; Disseny d'il·luminació: Jorge Guinea; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Albert Cortada; Fotografia: Ibai Acevedo;

Saxo alt: Gabriel Amargant; Soprano: Gabriel Amargant; Clarinet: Gabriel Amargant; Saxo baríton: Marcel·lí Bayer ; Clarinet baix: Marcel·lí Bayer; Piano: Alejandro Di Costanzo; Saxo alt i flauta: Guim García-Balasch; Clarinet: Guim García-Balasch; Trombó: Tom Johnson, Josep Tutusaus; Saxo tenor i flauta: Vicent Macian; Direcció i arranjaments: Vicens Martín; Guitarra: Vicens Martín; Trompeta: Ivó Ollé, Jaume Peña, Leo Torres; Trombó baix: David Parras; Tuba: David Parras; Bateria i percussió: Ramón ngel Rey; Saxo tenor i clarinet: Santi de la Rubia;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price
    18-30 €