El intrépido viaje de un hombre y un pez

Onírica Mecánica

Puppets, shadow theatre, oral narrative ... Jesús Nieto uses all these techniques and more to create a poetic world created from tales that are filled with feeling and delightful characters. A man and a fish€ tell you a story.

There is little doubt that, as you watch this production by Onírica Mecánica on stage, you will feel closer than ever to the children you have brought to the theatre. This is because the combination of visual worlds and the fabulous stories told by the characters in this performance will charm young spectators from the very first. But they can also return adults to the best times in their childhood. Who are the protagonists of this story? Well, a man and a fish. They go wherever they are invited and, manipulating different objects and using projections, they make the most unlikely characters appear on stage to recount their adventures whilst they create a world of dreams and poetry that you will never want to leave.

Artistic card

Autoria i interpretació: Jesús Nieto ; Manipulació: Enrique Escudero; Il·luminació: Paloma Parra; So i música: Mauricio Corretjé; Attrezzo: La Faena, David Herráez;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Saturday, 6 pm; Sunday, 12 noon
  • Space

    La Vilella

    Passeig de l'Exposició, 95, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    50 min
  • Price
    9 €