Boys don't Cry

  • Teatre

Victoria Szpunberg / Glòria Balañà

Luckily, we are protected. It is very difficult to commit suicide here. If anything weighing more than three kilos falls out of any opening in the building, it sets off a giant airbag...

With all due respect to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Angela Merkel and the director of the International Monetary Fund, they say that power is a concept linked to masculinity. That is why playwright Victoria Szpunberg has made two men the central characters in her story. One has achieved success and holds political power. The other, an artist, has not fared so well at all. What does it mean to have power? And what does it mean not to have a good job in a society that ordains that all men must have a successful professional career? Two old friends in contrasting circumstances meet up once more under the gaze of a woman who knows both well from the time when “Boys don’t Cry” was a hit. The Cure, the Martins and Marie Brizard; the icons of a past when they shared so much, their hopes and fears… Now, however, it is time for the boys to cry. A re-encounter with an old friend may provide the perfect opportunity to confront the best or the worst in oneself.

Artistic card

Autoria: Victoria Szpunberg; Direcció: Glòria Balañà i Altimira; Intèrprets: Francesc Garrido, Armand Villén, Alícia González Laá, David Anguera; Escenografia: Meritxell Muñoz; Vestuari: Marta Rafa Serra; Disseny d'i·luminació: Sylvia Kuchinow; Disseny de so: Lucas Ariel Vallejos; Producció executiva: Julio Álvarez, Víctor F. Suáñez; Ajudant de direcció: Roger M. Puig; Ajudant d'escenografia: Anna Tantull; Construcció de l'escenografia: Pau Gómez; Producció: Ferran Murillo;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    80 min
  • Price
    e 18