Alonzo King Lines Ballet

  • Dansa

Writing Ground / Biophony

A North American choreographer brings a new dimension to ballet, maintaining its essence but also incorporating modern elements. At the Grec, we will see how his company dances to the spirit of music and the sounds of nature.

They say that Alonzo King is one of the world’s greatest ballet masters today. No one who has seen his company in action will find such a claim exaggerated, because King has achieved what seemed practically impossible: to create a new body language and an extraordinary new expressiveness based on the most classical ballet techniques and forms. In it, the dancers’ technique is placed at the service of choreographies in which, although King considers the ballet a science based on geometry and energy, emotion and beauty reign supreme. In fact, the very name of the company alludes to the fact that everything we see is made up of lines, straight or curved, which create all the forms we see. The Alonzo King Lines Ballet will perform two choreographies at the Grec Festival. Writing Ground draws inspiration from the poems of Colum McCann, an Irish writer considered a leading light in English letters. The performers dance choreographies based on McCann’s verses, accompanied by sacred music from the Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Tibetan Buddhist traditions. The second piece, Biophony, revolves around the work of the artist Bernie Krause, devoted to capturing the sounds of nature, and the compositions of Richard Blackford. The dancers of the Alonzo King Lines Ballet turn these sounds into movement, creating a choreography of the greatest beauty and sensitivity, fusing two apparently opposing forces on stage: civilisation and nature.

The BNP Paribas Foundation supports Alonzo King LINES Ballet for the development of its projects.

Artistic card

Direcció artística: Alonzo King; Direcció creativa: Robert Rosenwasser; Direcció executiva: Karim Baer; Mestres de ballet: Arturo Fernandez, Meredith Webster; Direcció tècnica: G. Chris Griffin; Interpretació: Shuaid Elhassan, Jeffrey Van Sciver, Tunji Johnson, Michael Montgomery, Robb Beresford, Brett Conway, Kara Van Weest, Adji Yagare Cissoko, Courtney Henry, Madeline Devries, Laura O'Malley, Yujin Kim;

Coreografia: Alonzo King; Música: músiques sagrades de les tradicions jueva, cristiana, musulmana i budista tibetana; Escenografia i vestuari: Robert Rosenwasser; Disseny d'il·luminació: Axel Morgenthaler; Amb la participació de: Colum McCann;

Coreografia: Alonzo King; Música i pasatge sonor: Bernie Krause i Richard Blackford; Disseny d'il·luminació: Axel Morgenthaler; Disseny de vestuari: Robert Rosenwasser;

Management de la gira: Le Trait d'Union;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    108 min
  • Price