2015 com a possibilitat

  • Teatre

La compagnie des Hommes / Didier Ruiz

A score of young Barcelonans, aged from 15 to 20 years and from different backgrounds, give us a glimpse of what teenage life is like. They are both the subject and the protagonists of an artistic experience that begins at a school and culminates on stage.

This is not the first time that stage director Didier Ruiz and choreographer Tomeo Vergés have created a show based on work with a group of teenagers. They did so in Paris in 2013, and in Avignon in 2014, and now do the same in Barcelona. This is an experience that involves pupils from three schools. Over the last three months, voluntarily and disinterestedly, the pupils took part in sessions to learn to move on stage, to project their voices and to master stagecraft generally, so that they could express their thoughts clearly. For they will talk to us about the city and the neighbourhood that they live in, their relationships with each other, their dreams and their everyday lives, becoming at once actors and witnesses of their transition to adulthood. Do they feel accepted by others? What do they think about love? What do they expect from the future? We'll find out in a stage show in which the young people will talk to the audience, both listening and making themselves heard. The city, the world and life, through teenage eyes.

Artistic card

Concepció i direcció: Didier Ruiz ; Treball corporal: Tomeo Vergés; Intèrprets: Nerea Colomé, Eduardo Fernández, Ingrid Font, Aaron Fortoul, Jatin Kanda, Gayatri López, Rihab Matloub, Wilson Muñoz, Sonam Nawaz, Jawhar Nouissi, Alicia Rovira, Marisol Rueda; Assistent de direcció: Mònica Bofill; Escenografia: Charlotte Villermet; Disseny d'il·luminació: Maurice Fouilhé; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Adrien Cordier; Tècnic de so: Oscar Villar; Fotografia: Emilia Stefani-Law;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space


    Carrer de Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    75 min
  • Price
    5 €