Shelter 307 is a fine example of the air-raid shelters built in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War.

Shelter 307 is one of the air-raid shelters built to protect Barcelona residents from bombs during the Spanish Civil War. It was excavated thanks to the work of numerous local residents.

It contains 200 metres of tunnels that are 2.1 metres high and between 1.5 and 2 metres wide. There were various living areas, including toilets, a drinking fountain, an infirmary, a children’s room and a fireplace.

On walking around the shelter, it is easy to imagine the living conditions within those walls and the distress of a city that was confronted with a new phenomenon during the Civil War: the indiscriminate bombing of the civilian population, a military tactic that had only been used briefly during the First World War.

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A través dels seus 400 metres de túnels, es poden reviure les angoixes d´una ciutat que, durant la Guerra d´Espanya, s´enfrontà a un fenomen nou: el bombardeig indiscriminat sobre la població civil, una pràctica militar que només havia estat breument assajada durant la Primera Guerra Mundial. Per fer-hi front, les administracions i la població treballaren plegats en la construcció de centenars de refugis. Molts romanen encara vius a les entranyes de la ciutat, però pocs són visitables. El refugi 307 n´és un dels millors exemplars, i alhora, esdevé un autèntic memorial de la lluita per la supervivència i el desastre de les guerres.

Carrer Nou de la Rambla, 175
el Poble-sec