Toni Sánchez Bernal
Toni Sánchez Bernal, born in Tarragona in 1990, is a scriptwriter, author and producer, but above all a storyteller with a passion for evoking emotion, engaging and entertaining. He’s spent much of his career in the audiovisual field, studying cinema at Cuba’s International School of Film and TV (EICTV), founded by Gabriel García Márquez, and has directed short films that have won awards at national and international festivals. His first book, Morir, el último tabú [Death, the Final Taboo], a work of non-fiction exploring the theme of death, was published by Kolima in 2019. And his first novel, Ofensa al frío [Slighting the Cold], a thriller with supernatural elements, was recently published by Planeta.
IG: @tonisanchezbernal