T. Kingfisher
T. Kingfisher, born in North Carolina in 1977, is the pseudonym of Ursula Vernon, recent winner of the 2024 Llibreter Award, as well as the Hugo, the Nebula, the Locus, the Sequoyah, the Alfie, the WSFA, the Coyotl and the Ursa Major awards. Author of children’s books and strange comics, she uses her pseudonym in her books for older audiences, in which she re-interprets fairy tales and a number of stories about elves and goblins. Some of her works have been translated into Catalan (Raig Verd) and Spanish (Oceáno), including Minor Mage, A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking and Nettle & Bones.
IG: redwombatstudio
X: @UrsulaV