Rosa María Díez Cobo
Rosa María Díez Cobo holds a PhD in English philology from the University of León. She has been a lecturer there too, as well as at the universities of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa), and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). As a member of the Philology Department of the University of Burgos, she specialises in literary genres such as satire, metafiction, fantastic literature and science fiction. She’s the author of book chapters, critical articles and works such as Nueva sátira en la ficción postmodernista de las Américas [New Satire in the Post-Modernist Fiction of the Americas], La (ir)realidad imaginada: Aproximaciones a lo insólito en la ficción hispanoamericana [(Un)reality imagined: Approaches to the Unheard-Of in Hispano-American Literature] andArquitecturas inquietantes: Antología de relatos de casas encantadas [Unsettling Architecture: Anthology of Haunted House Stories] (Eolas).
IG: @rdezcobo1