Raquel Casas Agustí
Raquel Casas Agustí, born in Vilanova i la Geltrú in 1974, is a language and literature teacher. She’s published several poetry books (Astrolabi [Astrolabe], Les randes del paradís [The Lace of Paradise], La dona bilingüe [The Bilingual Woman], Vessar el càntir [Spilling the Jug], Estimar Nick Kamen [Loving Nick Kamen], Contracció [Contraction]), a short-story collection Balcons que escupen mitges [Stocking-Spitting Balconies], the science fiction novel Glitch, which won the 2023 City of Mollerussa Award, and a YA novel, Ferida [She’s Wounded], which won the 2023 Joaquim Ruyra Award. Other projects include leading a video podcast, geMMinades, and a couple of book clubs.
IG: @raquel_casas_a