Jordi Mullor Tenas
Jordi Mullor Tenas, born in Barcelona in 1968, is the vice-chair and Barcelona representative of the Agrupació del Bestiari Festiu i Popular de Catalunya, an association promoting and celebrating traditional creature figures commonly seen at Catalan local festivals. He’s in charge of computer systems at a mathematical research centre, but he’s also been a casteller [human tower builder], diable [devil figure], geganter [giant carrier] tabaler [drummer] graller [gralla player] and dragon carrier, holding different positions in associations such as Castellers de Barcelona, Gegants de Navas and Gegants del Clot, the culture division of the Orfeó Martinenc activity centre, the Barcelona Devils Coordination Committee and the Barcelona Giants Coordination Committee, and he has also spent over half his life involved in hiking clubs, community associations and traditional culture.
IG: @mcclot
X: @mcclot