An activity with Brandon Sanderson needs no introduction. Even so, for those who are not familiar with Cosmere or the immense work of this talented graphomaniac, who has sold 23 million books and recently re-revolutionised the genre and its promotion, suffice it to say that it is an honour for Festival 42 to open with Sanderson on screen, in this edition’s only virtual activity. While we hoped to be able to have him in person soon, we have proposed this exception because of the author’s importance, as undoubtedly one of the most prominent authors internationally, and because of his busy calendar. In spite of this, we will have the opportunity to hear him speak exclusively about Cosmere, his recent activities and of his conception of science fiction and fantasy, whose secrets he understands like few others today, as he has demonstrated in classes, talks and manuals. He will be interviewed by Tamara Tonetti, who is responsible for the Cosmere page in Spanish and the coordination of activities of the Sandersonian fandom.
*Video-conference activity.