Anna Maria Villalonga
Anna Maria Villalonga (Barcelona, 1959) holds degrees in Catalan and Spanish Philology and is a literature professor at the UB and a writer, researcher, critic and translator. In addition to her research articles and books, she has also published a good number of stories in compilations by many authors, as well as four novels: La dona de gris (2014), El somriure de Darwin (2017), Els dits dels arbres (2020) and Encara maten els cavalls (La Campana, 2023), the latter a mix of noir and the dystopian novel. In 2018, she published the short story collection Contes per a les nits de lluna plena and in 2022, the compilation La mala pluja. The curator of Pedrolo Year and director of the Tiana Negra Festival, she teaches creative writing workshops and has led different book clubs for years.
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