Thirty-six climate shelters to beat the heat

The arrival of the hot weather brings the activation of city facilities that act as climate shelters to tackle the heat and provide more comfortable temperatures. There are 353 shelters this year, 36 of them at different points around Sants-Montjuïc. New climate shelters this year include the Mercat d’Hostafrancs, the Comprehensive Support Centre in La Marina and the Parc de les Tretze Roses.

20/06/2024 - 09:23 h - Security and prevention Districte Sants-Montjuïc

The neighbourhoods in Sants-Montjuïc and the mountain of Montjuïc have 36 climate shelters.

• Biblioteca Poble-sec-Francesc Boix (C/ Blai, 34)
• Casal de Gent Gran del Poble-sec (Pl. Sortidor, 12)
• Centre Cívic El Sortidor (Pl. Sortidor, 12)

• Centre Cívic Casinet d’Hostafrancs (C/ Rector Triadó, 53)
• Mercat d’Hostafrancs (C/ Creu Coberta, 93)
• Swimming pool at the Espanya Industrial Municipal Sports Centre (C/ Muntadas, 37)

La Bordeta:
• Swimming pool at La Bordeta Municipal Sports Centre (C/ Noguera Pallaresa, 34-42)
• Playground at the Escola Bressol Municipal L’Esquirol (C/ Noguera Pallaresa, 32)

La Font de la Guatlla:
• Centre Cívic Font de la Guatlla (C/ Rabí Rubèn, 22-26)
• Parc de la Font Florida (Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 196)

La Marina:
• Biblioteca Francesc Candel (C/ Amnistia Internacional, 10)
• Casal de Gent Gran de Sant Cristòfol (C/ Bronze, 5-7)
• Casal de Gent Gran la Capa (C/ Alts Forns, 84-86)
• Comprehensive Support Centre in La Marina (C/ Foc, 97)
• Clínica Sant Antoni (C/ Sant Eloi, 6-8)
• Espai de Gent Gran del Polvorí (C/ Guadalquivir, 2)
• Parc de les Tretze Roses (C/ Pontils, 15)
• Parc de Can Sabaté (C/ Mineria, 16)
• Playground at the Escola Seat (Ptge. Antonio Ruiz Villaba, 6)
• Red Cross in Sants-Montjuïc (C/ Francesc Boix Campo, 6-8)

• Biblioteca Vapor Vell (Ptge. Vapor Vell, 1)
• Casal de Gent Gran de les Cotxeres de Sants (Pas de Fructuós Gelabert, 6)
• La Lleialtat Santsenca (C/ Olzinelles, 37)
• Playground at the Escola Bressol Pau (C/ Muntadas, 1)
• Plaça de la Farga
• Parc de l’Espanya Industrial (C/ Muntadas, 1)

• Jardí del Passeig de Santa Madrona (Pg. Santa Madrona, 2)
• Jardins de Joan Brossa (Pl. Dante)
• Jardins de Laribal (Pg. Santa Madrona, 2)
• Jardins de Ramon Margalef (Av. Estadi, 42-48)
• Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món Pg. Santa Madrona, 16-22)
• Parc del Mirador del Migdia (Pg. Migdia, 156-174)
• Bernat Picornell indoor and outdoor pools (Av. Estadi, 30-40)
• Montjuïc municipal swimming pool (Av. Miramar, 31)

Near home

Some 98% of people in Barcelona have a climate shelter within 10 minutes of their home and 68% have one within 5 minutes.  Indoor municipal facilities acting as climate shelters include libraries, community centres and museums, while outdoor facilities include parks, gardens, school playgrounds, nursery school playgrounds and areas between residential blocks.

They are intended for people who are vulnerable to heat (babies, the elderly, people with chronic illnesses, etc.), so long as they do not require medical attention. They are safe, easily accessible and provide rest facilities (in the form of chairs and benches) and points with water. These are free spaces, with the exception of the municipal swimming pools becoming climate shelters this year, where the established public prices apply.

You can check the opening hours on the climate shelters website. There is also a map for locating your nearest shelter.

Social support against high temperatures

The Barcelona Social Emergency and Urgent Care Centre (CUESB) will act as a reference point for social support if the rise in temperatures forces the preventive alert stage for heatwaves up to the alert stage. This is the case if daytime temperatures exceed 33.7 degrees or when night-time temperatures exceed 25.9 degrees centigrade, or the emergency stage, when the maximum temperature exceeds 35.7 degrees or the minimum exceeds 27.9 degrees.

The CUESB will make a waiting room available with comfortable temperatures and a water source for vulnerable people. If necessary, the CUESB will also be available for overnight stays for very frail or susceptible people.

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