The 26th School Biathlon brings together 5,300 students and 300 teachers

The event is being held at the Anella Olímpica and at the Piscines Bernat Picornell.

28/05/2024 - 09:33 h

Pupils will set off at five-minute intervals, starting at 9 am and ending at 2 pm, to ensure the event goes safely and smoothly. Each pupil will compete in two main events: swimming and running.

Swimming event

The first event in the biathlon is swimming, with each pupil swimming a total distance of 50 metres, covering 25 metres and then another 25 metres back. Pupils will take the plunge to show their swimming skills in what is an introductory event and a test of stamina.

Running event

Once the swimming event ends, participants quickly prepare for the running event, This consists of a run of 1,700 metres, with a route designed to challenge the stamina and agility of the young athletes.

Recognition and awards

The organisers place particular emphasis on educational and sports values, awarding various diplomas of recognition:

Collective recognition:

  • Teamwork: for the class group that stands out for their cooperation.
  • Participation: for the group with the greatest engagement and commitment.
  • Gender equity: for the group that promotes gender equality.

Individual recognition:

  • For effort and consistency: for pupils who demonstrate dedication and perseverance.
  • For self-improvement: for those who overcome adversity and personal challenges.
  • For solidarity: for pupils who show support and empathy towards their colleagues.

The event promotes sport, health and values such as teamwork, personal self-improvement and solidarity.