New interconvictional space at Montjuïc cemetery

The goal of the new space is to offer the different religious communities a place for recess and prayer so they can say their last farewells to the deceased, ensuring the practice of their cultural and religious traditions. The space has been completely remodelled, with an investment of 890,000 euros.

Fotografia exterior del nou recinte.
14/06/2024 - 15:13 h - Urban planning and infrastructures Ajuntament de Barcelona

The space has a function room for 80 people to gather privately for prayers and readings. There are also audiovisual systems for projecting images and videos in memory of the deceased.

The launch of the new service is the result of the City Council’s desire to offer cemetery services that adapt to the city’s different cultural and religious groups. It has been developed in constant dialogue with representatives from the different communities, with the participation of the Office for Religious Affairs (OAR), and the Department for Interculturality and Religious Plurality at Barcelona City Council.