How do we use Montjuïc?

The cooperative Nusos has launched a project entitled “Marges. Serveis ambientals a l'ecosistema urbà", [Margins. Environmental services in the urban ecosystem], subsidised by Barcelona City Council with the aim of finding out how the parks of Montjuïc and Collserola are used and managed. Do you have a connection with Montjuïc or Collserola? Take part in this survey which marks the launch of a project that seeks to highlight and improve the quality of the green margins of the city.

30/10/2024 - 10:36 h - Environment and sustainability Districte Sants-Montjuïc

The aim of this initiative is to find out the points of view of people or entities that have a relationship or link of some kind with these green spaces through a series of interviews, focus group sessions, and an interpretive route through various previously identified points.

The project will be carried out in parallel in two districts; Sants-Montjuïc, specifically in Poble Sec, la Font de la Guatlla, and Marina de Port, and Nou Barris, and will result in a list of improvement proposals for maintaining and improving the quality of the green margins of the city.