Palau Sant Jordi

Pg Olímpic, 5*7

This roofed and multi-purpose site located in Montjuïc Park, in the "Olympic Ring", was built to mark the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games.

Designed by the Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, this roofed and multi-purpose site located at Montjuïc Park, in the “Olympic Ring”, was built to mark the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games. It is considered a masterpiece of modern architecture and engineering. Its structure allows the site to be adapted so it can play host to every kind of event.

Palau Sant Jordi also has, what is more, a series of halls integrated into the facility which can be used independently for meetings, parties, launches of new products and small events.

Pg Olímpic, 5*7
el Poble-sec
Sections of this equipment
Sala sant jordi club

Dissenyat per l'arquitecte japonès Arata Isozaki, aquest recinte cobert i multifuncional situat al Parc de Montjuïc, a l'anomenada Anella Olímpica, va ser construït amb motiu dels Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona 1992. Es considera una obra mestra de l'arquitectura i l'enginyeria moderna. La seva estructura permet adaptar el recinte per acollir tot tipus d'esdeveniments.

El Palau Sant Jordi disposa, a més, d'una sèrie de sales integrades a la instal·lació que poden ser utilitzades independentment per a reunions, festes, llançament de nous productes i petits esdeveniments.
