Jardins de la Vil·la Florida

C Muntaner, 548

The gardens are on the site of an old farm. Romantic gardens in the French style, with a topiary arrangement dominated by roses.

Traces of history crop up in front of us before we even enter Vil·la Florida. This Modernista house shows part of its past in the wrought-iron railings that invite passers-by to drop in. We can enter without fear of mistake, because this is not a child-care school, or Escola de Puericultura, as suggested by the sign on the arch, but some rather unique gardens.
Gardens that are used a lot throughout the year. The combination of sunny areas and cool spots in the shade have made this a place of rest and recreation for many city residents.


The Vil·la Florida’s history shows well-documented links to the Catalan nobility, judiciary, clergy, merchant and industrial families since 1600. In those days the farm belonged to the Santcliment family, who were knights and members of the old city council, the Consell de Cent. The property was subsequently owned by the Ramon family, the Barefoot Carmelites and Nicolau Sivilla’s family. It continued to change hands until it was sold at a public auction and bought by the Garriga family.
They then sold it to the Müller family in 1902, who later sold it to the chairman of Espanya Industrial, Rosend Llobet i Nicolau. It was rented out to the then Provincial Health Chief, who handed it over to the Escola de Puericultura. The school ran for 40 years. After the teaching ended in the 1990s, the villa went into decline until 2004 when it became the property of the City Council. The gardens were restored in 2005, while the house was re-opened in 2007 as the Sant Gervasi Civic Centre.


There is a shaded area on the right, with a palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) and a Justicia genus flower bush nearby. Its benches offer an opportunity for enjoying the shade of a downy oak (Quercus pubescens), pine trees (Pinus pinea), privets (Ligustrum japonicum), nettle trees (Celtis australis) and magnolias (Magnolia grandiflora). There are also sweet bay shrubs (Laurus nobilis), laurustinuses and African lilies (Agapanthus africanus).
At the garden facade there are groups of abelias (Abelia floribunda), an impressive tipu (Tipuana tipu), a palo verde (Parkinsonia aculeata) and a jacaradna (Jacaranda mimosifolia).
The last part is a pergola with climbing plants, Chinese wisteria
(Wisteria sinensis) and rose-bush arbours.
Standing on the gravel patio, you can admire the palm trees (Washingtonia robusta and Phoenix canariensis) and orange trees (Citrus sinensis). In the background there is a eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus globulus) with some jacarandas, photinias (Photinia) and abelias.

Art and Architecture

The Joan Maragall Library, which officially opened in June 2014, makes this unique space even more enjoyable. Baena Casamor Arquitectes, commissioned for the project, designed the library’s two storeys to take advantage of the slopes and different levels, by sinking part of the library underground. And the library has a roof garden to give continuity and uniformity to the gardens.
The project also reclaimed the original trees, maintained during the building work, including pine trees (Pinus pinea), a sweet chestnut tree (Castanea sativa), lime trees (Tilia tomentosa), an ombu – also known as phytolacca or ombu Phytolacca dioica) – a laurel-leaved snail tree
(Cocculus laurifolius) and a palm tree (Phoenix canariensis).

  • Phone number
    Information: 010
  • Titularity
    Public center
C Muntaner, 548
Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi - la Bonanova


Hora de tancament
aproximada, en funció de
l'horari solar (tanquen
quan es fa fosc, al capvespre)
Sections of this equipment
Àrea de joc infantil
Àrea de joc infantil

Es tracta d'una iniciativa que combina els elements tradicionals d'un jardí urbà amb un espai dedicat a la salut i medicina natural.Els usuaris poden caminar descalços per un itinerari de catifes amb textures diferents, senyalitzat amb plànols explicatius sobre els beneficis d'aquesta activitat.A fi de garantir la conservació de les instal.lacions, està prohibida l'entrada de gossos al recinte.