Parc de la Creueta del Coll

Pg Mare de Déu del Coll, 77

La Creueta del Coll is a sheltered park, with a big lake people can swim in during the summer, a huge square and numerous resting places.

A large square, bounded in part by a pergola and protected at the back by the walls of what used to be a quarry, welcomes visitors entering the park from Passeig de la Mare de Déu del Coll.
Paths climb upwards in the midst of a luxuriant vegetation of trees and shrubs. Right at the top, in the wood, there is a picnic area, adorned on one side by the green of the pine trees and, on the other, by plants that have steadily grown and add colour to the walls of the old El Coll quarry. The view of the city is spectacular.


Parc de la Creueta del Coll is the result of making the most of an area that, for many years, was used for a very different purpose. This is the old El Coll quarry, at the foot of the hills that shape the upper part of Barcelona. Such origins are what give it its character and strong personality.


A notable feature of the park, besides the acacias in the resting areas, or the pine grove and Mediterranean shrubs in the picnic area, is the presence of some palm trees on the small island sitting in the shallow bathing pool. The two-stemmed date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is well worth a look too, given its rarity.

Art and Architecture

Visitors entering the park through the main entrance on Passeig de la Mare de Déu del Coll, right next to C/ Castellterçol, are greeted by a tall, slim iron monolith. This is Tòtem, a work by Ellsworth Kelly.
One of the park’s most highly prized features is a colossal sculpture by Eduardo Chillida entitled Elogi de l’aigua (In Praise of Water). Made from concrete and weighing over 50 tonnes, it can be found at the back of the swimming pool, in a sheet of water in a much smaller and slightly raised area between the walls of the old quarry and a little concrete wall. It is held up by four steel cables anchored in the rock and suspended over the water, which gives this enormous sculpture a sensation of surprising lightness.

  • Phone number
    Tel.: 010
  • Accessibility
    Accessible for people with physical disabilities
  • Titularity
    Public center
Pg Mare de Déu del Coll, 77
el Coll


Hora de tancament
aproximada, en funció de
l'horari solar (tanquen
quan es fa fosc, al

Accessos: Pg Mare de Déu del Coll.

- Dins del parc hi ha el llac de la Creueta del Coll.
