Puja amb nosaltres!
L’Àrea de Joventut de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona (1979-1988)
- Author/s
- Txema Castiella Viu (editorial direction) and Diversos autors (Text)
- Collection
- Barcelona City and Neighbourhoods
With this book we want to remember, recognise and highlight a legacy that in its area forms part of the collective heritage of the history of Barcelona City Council.
This is the story of the City Council’s area for young people, which existed as the Àrea de Joventut from 1979 to 1988. It is a story written by many of its protagonists, offering a plural and multi-sided vision of a collective project. A unique and attractive experience nourished by the energy of the transition and the efforts of many young people and youth organisations to achieve a democratic country and city. An experience of public service, at the service or young people and at the service of Barcelona.
The book explains the creation of this administrative area, as well as the processes of decentralising and compacting services, a team with a series of initiatives that gave young people services, facilities, advice and more. The publication, drafted by many of its protagonists and former municipal workers (54 authors took part), explains and documents this experience which forms part of the collective heritage of Barcelona City Council, a pioneering municipal youth policy and a role model for many other cities. Some other external experts also contribute, such as the historian Andreu Mayayo and the psychologist Jaume Funes.
The book comes with plenty of graphic material, such as photographs, posters and press cuttings from the time. It also recognises that much of the energy and many ideas that fuelled the first decade of the transformation in the democratic period and the transition were the result of the previous resistance to Francoism, hence it also refers to the various youth platforms and bodies of the transition that were in opposition to Francoism.
What are them saying
"Els exregidors Imma Mayol i Enric Truñó han explicat al 'bàsics' què va significar aquesta iniciativa pionera, que es va convertir en un referent i model per als primers consistoris democràtics i que ara han recollit en un llibre."
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Year: 2025
- Pages: 177
- Format: PDF
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-6137