La popularització de la fotografia domèstica a Barcelona

Josep Maria Lari Mirambell (Author), Josep Maria Lari Reig (Prologue) and Rafel Torrella (Prologue)
Co-edition with
Pagès Editors Open in a new window
Behind the Scenes

Barcelona and its people became the target of camera lenses when domestic photography became popular at the start of the 20th century. Josep Maria Lari Mirambell captured the profound changes in the city and the imprint of its residents, creating a photographic work of incalculable artistic and documentary value. 

The book features over 200 previously unpublished photographs of everyday life in Barcelona in the early 20th century. The images show us historic moments such as the International Expo of 1929, the general election in 1936, corners of the city in their crowning moments and captivating portraits.

Josep Maria Lari, a scientist by profession, creates a unique universe and offers a record of the changes experienced by Barcelona and the passing of time for its cherished citizens. 

Photographic Archive

What are them saying

"És un bon consell endinsar-se en aquesta novetat editorial per sorprendre’s pel bon gust de l’avi del mag a l’hora de retratar els amics, escenes de la infància, les celebracions familiars, els carrers de Barcelona (maquíssim el passeig de Gràcia moll de la pluja recent), també les festes populars, els grans esdeveniments, com l’expo del 1929, i, per citar una foto insòlita i preciosa per la seva perspectiva, la del baixador de ferrocarril de passeig de Gràcia, presa a peu de vies i no des del carrer d’Aragó, com sempre es mostra."

"El llegat de Lari Mirambell son més de 2.000 clixés amb fotografies que van des dels anys vint fins a la postguerra. N'hi ha moltes d'escenes familiars (celebracions, excursions, retrats) i moltes que ensenyen una Barcelona ja desapareguda (racons de Gràcia, el port vell, l'exposició universal del 29, l'abaixador del tren a l'aire lliure del carrer d'Aragó)"

Josep Maria Lari Mirambell

Josep Maria Lari Mirambell (1903-1974) was a pharmacist and podologist by profession, as well as a great fan of photography. He took thousands of photographs which he kept for family enjoyment. Years after his death, the family discovered the negatives of hundreds of photographs the old man had taken throughout his life. This valuable photographic collection has been kept at the Photographic Archive of Barcelona since 2021.

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2023
  • Pages: 112
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: 21 x 22,5 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-555-0
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-1303-481-2



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