La xarxa al bosc. Joan Brossa i la poesia experimental

1945 - 1980

Eduard Escoffet (Editor)
Co-edition with
Fundació Joan Brossa Open in a new window
Barcelona Literary

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To mark the centenary of Joan Brossa (Barcelona, 1919-1998) and take an in-depth look at the exhibition on creative poetry from the second half of the 20th century, the Joan Brossa Foundation decided to launch “La xarxa al bosc”, a project involving not just an ambitious international exhibition held between May and November 2019 at the Fundació Joan Brossa, but also this book, which includes an anthology of 79 visual poems and documents from the exhibition. Both the book and the exhibition aim to contribute materials to plot a possible cartography of experimental poetry in Europe and America during the period when Brossa, in Barcelona, was developing his own poetic voice. This is a broad and necessarily fragmentary look at the galaxy of poets who, together with Brossa, expanded the field of poetical expression enormously and influenced all the other creative areas.


What are them saying

"El Punt Avui: 'La xarxa es fa bosc'"

"El temps de les Arts: 'Brossa no estava sol (al món)'"

"La Xarxa al bosc. Joan Brossa i la poesia experimental, 1946-1980 és una exercici de lectura, però també una oportunitat per descobrir obres icòniques d’alguns dels autors més rellevants de la poesia experimental de la segons meitat del segle XX."

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan , Spanish and English
  • Year: 2020
  • Pages: 228
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: 16 x 24 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-265-8



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