La pell de Barcelona

Francesc Català-Roca
Co-edition with
Enciclopèdia Catalana Open in a new window
Behind the Scenes

A new book, made and designed by the photographer, recovered from his archive. More than 200 images of Barcelona, between which the author creates a dialogue on a series of double-page spreads.

‘Among the things I still want to do is a photography book I would like to call The Skin of Barcelona, which would show the passage of time through the city’s façades.’ (Francesc Català-Roca)

To mark the centenary of the birth of Francesc Català-Roca, the most important Catalan photographer of the twentieth century, Grup Enciclopèdia and Barcelona City Council present a new book the artist spent years creating, which was left to one side in the Architects’ Association archive when he died. It contains more than 200 images of the city – mainly close-up shots – between which the author creates a dialogue on a series of double-page spreads.

It is a creation from the photographer’s peak that summarises his relationship with his adoptive city. This posthumous book is accompanied by a smaller volume, which contextualises the project, discusses the photographer and reproduces the chapter of his memoir in which he talks about his relationship with the city of Barcelona.

The first book is a faithful reproduction of the physical mockup prepared by Francesc Català-Roca. The second contains texts by Lluís Permanyer, his friend and colleague; Andreu Català Pedersen, the photographer’s son; Laura Terré, an expert on Català-Roca and curator of the events to mark his centenary, and Guim Costa, chairman of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia. It also includes the excerpt of Francesc Català-Roca’s memoir in which he talks about his relationship with Barcelona and mentions his desire to publish this book one day.


What are them saying

"Más de un cuarto de siglo después de su muerte, se publica ‘La pell de Barcelona’, el libro en el que el gran fotógrafo estuvo trabajando los últimos años de su vida. Un personalísimo relato visual de la ciudad."

"Es tracta de més de dues-centes imatges de la ciutat, principalment detalls, que l’autor fa dialogar entre elles en una successió de dobles pàgines acompanyat d’un volum més prim amb els textos perquè, de fet, al volum principal ni tan sols hi ha peus de fotografia: Català-Roca volia que les fotos parlessin per elles mateixes i ha quedat un díptic de llibre d’artista esplèndid."

"Es el recorrido de un flâneur que centra la mirada en una serie de fragmentos, detalles que se contraponen para ofrecer nuevos significados y ahondar en los recovecos donde se filtra el pulso de la capital, fiel a una mirada humanista que nunca esconde el peso de la historia. "

"Un exquisito volumen que en cierto modo se anticipó a la era Instagram, con collages innovadores y zooms extremos que parecen tan actuales."

"És el Bach de la fotografia, perquè com el compositor, també es va consagrar a la seva feina, i va ser molt avançat."

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan , Spanish and English
  • Year: 2024
  • Pages: 312
  • Cover: En estoig
  • Format: 22 x 27,7 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-495-9
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-412-3238-9



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