1.322: Una mirada fotogràfica als refugis antiaeris de Barcelona
- Author/s
- Ana Sánchez (Photography and text) and Xavier Domènech (Text)
- Collection
- Behind the Scenes
In the city that would become a testing ground for the Second World War, a new, extraordinary form of resistance emerged.
This book offers
170 never-before-seen photographs of Barcelona’s Civil War air-raid shelters,
which saved thousands of lives between 1937 and 1939. The images of these
shelters – whether for the community, private, for collectivised factories, or
belonging to Republican institutions or political leaders like Juan Negrín and
Lluís Companys – show a whole city concealed ten metres underground.
A collection of photographs of a unique piece of civic,
historical and architectural heritage in Europe invites us to build a different
memory of wartime Barcelona: the memory of the resistance. While the scars of
bombings remain above ground, underneath, there is still extraordinary evidence
of solidarity and resistance.
What are them saying
"La fotògrafa Ana Sánchez ha documentat 40 refugis antiaeris dels 1.322 que se sap, per ara, que es van construir a Barcelona. Moltes cases van construir els seus propis refugis i els investigadors consideren que encara no s'han trobat tots."
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Year: 2023
- Pages: 152
- Cover: Paperback
- Format: 16,3 x 15 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-491-1
- Publishing distributor: Xarxa de Llibres
15.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat Open in a new window
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