Retrats de la Barcelona comunitària

João França and Berta Aguilar Pujol (Illustrator)

The project entitled 'Energies Comunitàries' de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona (Community Energies of Barcelona Council) was set up with the aim of showcasing and giving impetus to the large number of initiatives of local men and women in the city who got together in order to change their lives, their neighbourhood and their relationships with each other. One of the books written within this project is Retrats de la Barcelona comunitària, which offers a small selection of the community actions that created ties in different territories, ambits and types of organisations, from public services to independent movements, through neighbourhood associations. This book is a collection of some of these experiences that prove that another city is possible.

Neighbour's fight
Public Space
Residents Association
Social Economy

What are them saying

"Terrícoles - betevé: Joao França “Barcelona té un esperit llibertari molt arrelat”"

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Also available in format: Book
  • Year: 2019
  • Pages: 212
  • Format: PDF
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-213-9



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