Paisatge històric a la muntanya de Montjuïc

Resultats del projecte La Satalia

Josep Maria Palet (Editor)

This publication, which is part of the "Urban Planning and City Materials" collection, talks about Barcelona, about Montjuïc and, in essence, about a small neighbourhood on the north side of the hill, La Satalia. As a result of opposition to urban planning, researchers had to resort to studying the site’s past to establish certain working guidelines to search for data. The study, led by Dr Josep Maria Palet, is the result of interdisciplinary research that provides a variety of information on this micro-territory, some of which can be extrapolated to understand this non-urban, yet fully anthropised space in Barcelona. Although this research ended in 2011, we cannot ignore a number of issues are still the object of study and that the neighbourhood has evolved over that time. This, however, does not limit this work. On the contrary, it provides valuable insight.

Urban Planning
Urban planning

What are them saying

"ICAC: 'Montjuïc, un dels límits de Barcelona, esdevé testimoni dels segles'"

"‘Paisatge històric a la muntanya de Montjuïc: resultats del projecte La Satalia’ aporta llum sobre alguns aspectes històrics que han marcat la transformació de la muntanya al llarg dels anys i la seva influència sobre la ciutat de Barcelona. "

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