La ciutat del futur
- Author/s
- Anna Miracle and Julio Antonio Blasco (Illustrator)
- Co-edition with
- Zahori books Open in a new window
- Collection
- Barcelona Alphabet Book
Discover the fascinating initiatives that are being carried out in different cities around the world to tackle climate change. Teresa, a girl from Barcelona, is very clear about it: young people need to drive climate action. She also wants to help build the city of the future. And she will go on a journey to find out about innovative projects around the world designed to tackle climate change.
She’ll discover the underground allotments of London, the sponge city in Shanghai, the green corridors of Medellin, the air purifiers of Warsaw and other fascinating initiatives that are now under way and which open the way to humanising cities and making them more sustainable.
The book includes a glossary at the end with the terms we need to know about climate change and a fold-out album of Barcelona featuring all the projects that are explained throughout the book.
What are them saying
"L’àlbum és molt amè, didàctic i ben estructurat. Cada ciutat visitada ocupa dues pàgines ben il·lustrades per Julio Antonio Blasco amb la mateixa estructura: les pàgines parells contenen la presentació del projecte així com les dades principals del municipi visitat, presentades d’una manera molt visual i esquemàtica; mentre que a les senars, en què predomina la il·lustració, hi trobem una fitxa amb la localització i les aportacions principals del projecte visitat."
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Year: 2023
- Pages: 68
- Cover: Hardcover
- Format: 30 x 21,2 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-503-1
- Publishing ISBN: 978-84-19532-95-4
19.90€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat Open in a new window
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