El barri de la Plata
- Author/s
- Julià Guillamon
- Co-edition with
- L'Avenç Open in a new window
- Collection
- Barcelona City and Neighbourhoods
The neighbourhood of La Plata, set between Rambla del Poblenou, the cemetery and the railway tracks, is the neighbourhood of the people who emigrated from Valencia to Barcelona: an island amidst factories and workshops which became the home of working class people. The Plata neighbourhood is also a mental space where the main character of the book spends his childhood, dominated by the cultural shock between the arty Catalanism of his mother and the Spanish-speaking immigration of his father, between paid holidays and an anarchist past, between the determination to get ahead in life and the impossibility to do so.
What are them saying
"Terrícoles betevé: Entrevista a Julià Guillamon"
"Núvol: 'Julià Guillamon. Àlbum de família'"
"Un relat valent, sense retrets ni recança, sinó amb una mirada serena, respectuosa i plena d’estima envers la família, malgrat tot, i en particular, envers un pare no sempre coherent ni responsable."
Julià Guillamon
Julià Guillamon is a specialist in cultural history and the author of books about literature, journalism, boxing, feminism and publicity.
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Year: 2018
- Pages: 232
- Cover: Paperback
- Format: 14 x 21,3 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-078-4
- Publishing ISBN: 978-84-16853-16-8
20.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat Open in a new window
Llibreries habituals