Cuando la riqueza se codeaba con el hambre

Vida nocturna en la Barcelona de posguerra (1939-1952)

Paco Villar

This book offers a vision of a Barcelona filled with contrasts, with poverty to make your hair stand on end, and with ostentatious wealth, with needs for some and excesses for others, under the subjection to an intense police state.

It is a portrait from the point of view of the leisure and night-life of a city that was embedded in a dual morality during the postwar years. From the traditional and working-class areas of the Barri Xino, the Paral•lel, the Rambla and Carrer d’Escudellers, to the luxurious landscape that emerged in the Eixample and Diagonal and spread throughout that area.

Ciutat Vella
Franco's regime
Postwar period

What are them saying

"Paco Villar saca a la luz la inmortal alma calavera de Barcelona incluso en sus peores horas, en los 13 años que se alimentó con cartillas de racionamiento."

"Diario ABC: 'Noches de la posguerra barcelonesa'"

"La Vanguardia: 'Lujo y miseria en las dos Barcelonas'"

"Ràdio 4 Territori Clandestí: Entrevista a Paco Villar"

"Diari Ara:'La Barcelona de postguerra: Franco castigava i la prostitució es triplicava'"

"El Pais: 'Barcelona de posguerra: entre la prostitución y el caviar'"

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Spanish
  • Year: 2020
  • Pages: 556
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Format: 16 x 24 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-282-5



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