Guia de flora urbana de Barcelona

Pere Barnola and Josep Maria Panareda
Co-edition with
Barcelona Ecology

Barcelona Ecologia i Natura

‘This book is a guide that aims to help the reader learn about plants. However, the best way of learning about plants is through regular observation. […] In any case, everyone should establish their own learning standards, based on their personal goals. It is important to differentiate between those who learn about plants through official study to become botanists and those who do it as a hobby, for their own enjoyment and knowledge. This book is for the latter.’

This guide takes a look at a significant sample of the plant species that live in Barcelona, of which there are more than a thousand. It includes over 125 plant species organised by their scientific name, though their common names are also provided in Catalan and Spanish. 

With plenty of visual material for observing and identifying the trees, bushes and grasses found in the city, the guide offers a well researched, systematic description of each species, including its form, ecology, distribution and uses. 

In addition, in the form of a fact sheet, some of the species’ important characteristics are detailed: name of the family, height, flowering period in months, biological type (appearance of the plant at the least favourable time) and some unique features. 





What are them saying

"Passegem per la ciutat entre mussols, blauets, guineus, mimoses, miraguans i trèbols pudents."

"Més enllà dels coloms, les paneroles, les rates i els pardals a Barcelona s’hi poden trobar altres espècies vertebrades i invertebrades. Un desconeixement que no es limita al món animal sinó també al de les espècies vegetals."

"Experts en flora i fauna han col·laborat en les guies que recullen les espècies més representatives i, sovint, desconegudes de la ciutat de Barcelona."

3cat | Cori Calero 08/05/2024

Pere Barnola


Celoni, 1946) started to teach himself botany in the eighties around the Montseny and Montnegre mountains. In 1988, alongside À. Romo, he published the first additions to the vascular flora of Montseny. In 2009, he participated in the creation of the website, with botanists J. Font, J. Vigo and L. Vilar, to which he contributed photographs of more than 3,000 taxa. He also worked on the Atlas corològic de la flora vascular dels Països Catalans [Chorological Atlas of the Vascular Flora of the Catalan Countries](‘ORCA’ collection). In collaboration with J. Gesti and J. M. Panareda, he wrote La flora vascular de Riells i Viabrea (Baix Montseny) [The Vascular Flora of Riells i Viabrea (Baix Montseny)].

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Josep Maria Panareda


Maria de Palautordera, 1945) is a geographer, professor of physical geography at the University of Barcelona and specialist in the study of the plant landscape, focusing on landscape dynamics in relation to human activity. He has taken part in various competitive projects on landscape dynamics and evolution, as well as overseeing several others, and he has more than 600 publications to his name, 80 of which are books. He has been a member of the Institute of Catalan Studies since February 2006. Now retired, he is concentrating on educational activities on geographical and botanical themes.

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Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2023
  • Pages: 132
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: 17 x 12 cm.
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-537-6
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-1356-301-5



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