Barcelona Regional/Rondes Barcelona
Passat i Present 1993-2018/Present i Futur
- Author/s
- D. A.
- Collection
- Barcelona Architecture and Urban Planning
The first volume, "Barcelona Regional Passat i Present 1993-2018", is an account of the twenty-five-year history of the unique Urban Development Agency through the most significant projects that have transformed the city and of the people who made it possible. The second volume, entitled, "Rondes Barcelona Present i Futur", reflects on Barcelona’s ring roads and its border territory, which maximises the inevitable, unstoppable changes in city transportation to redefine future projects for the metropolitan city.
Urban Planning
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Year: 2019
- Pages: 528
- Cover: En estoig
- Format: 21 x 16 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-199-6
30.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat Open in a new window
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