©Foto: Sincerely Media
Speakers: Jordi Quintana i Albalat, Jordi Puig i Martín, Timanfaya Custodio CastañeyraI, Sílvia García Márquez
Moderated by: Özgur Günes Özturk
In this panel we will consider the different ways of transforming cultural and artistic institutions in order to guarantee the right of access, the right to participate and the right to contribute to community cultural life of subaltern groups such as differently abled people, children and those of migrant origin.
Jordi Quintana i Albalat (University of Barcelona), Jordi Puig i Martín (Area of Culture and Education, Olot City Council): Against Segregation: school and popular and traditional culture.
Timanfaya Custodio CastañeyraI (Independent researcher in cultural rights and disability): Right to Participate in Cultural Life and Disability.
Sílvia García Márquez (Open University of Catalonia – UOC): Foreigners Will Come. An analysis of the feasibility of implementing community artistic practices in the framework of public institutions and cultural spaces dedicated to legitimised professional artistic production.
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©Foto: Societat Doctor Alonso