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21 things you should know about cannelloni for St Stephen’s Day

St Stephen’s Day (Boxing Day) and cannelloni are two inseparable ideas: thousands of ‘canelons’ are made and consumed every 26 December! But this firmly rooted custom is loaded with myths, legends, arguments and technological innovations so it’s...

Christmas Fare

Arab-style desserts, medieval sweets, 19th century Italian imports and effective commercial strategies. Our Christmas fare is rich and varied, coming from a wide variety of traditions.

European Christmas Traditions

The Tyrolean Krampus, the German Christmas markets, the Scandinavian St Lucia choirs, presents appearing under a model ship in Greece, a witch who brings presents in Italy... Would you like to know more?

12 curious facts about the Santa Llúcia Fair.

The Santa Llúcia Fair is the oldest Christmas market held in the city and its long history has made it a key figure in dozens of stories, customs and curiosities well worth bringing together.

Times for Christmas lights 2023

Christmas. The Christmas lights will operate from 23 November to 6 January, during the same hours as in 2022.