Amics de la Sardana del Poble-sec
The Amics de la Sardana del Poble-sec was established in 1993. The group is open to all ages and aims to encourage people to learn to dance sardanes. The association offers sardana classes at the Foment Excursionista de Barcelona facilities.
As well as sardana-dancing courses, the organisation has a group of dancers who go by the same name and who help out in exhibitions by veteran groups. Since 2004, they have been organising a dance for the festa major, the main festival of Poble-sec, which every year involves around ten guest colles who each dance two traditional sardanes. 2012 saw the beginning of Sardanes a la fresca (Sardanes in the cool), a joint activity with the Amics de la Plaça de Santa Madrona, which takes place throughout June.
The Amics de la Sardana del Poble-sec group is based at the Casal de la Coordinadora d'Entitats del Poble-sec, and is affiliated to this organisation .