Esbart Lluís Millet
Founded in 1957, the Esbart Lluís Millet has been raising awareness of traditional dance throughout the country, with performances of traditional Catalan dances as well as teaching events. In 1972, the group established the international folk conference, the Jornades Internacionals Folklòriques, under the slogan "Les danses dels pobles pel nostre poble", village dances for our country, which were held in Barcelona until 1979. After that year, the gathering began to be celebrated all over Catalonia, organised by the Associació per a la Difusió del Folklore. The group's performances have been seen in many countries, including Israel, which they visited in 1980.
Currently the Esbart Lluís Millet only has a children's and young people's section, which gives public performances at events such as the Roda d'Esbarts Catalònia, as well as offering training in traditional Catalan dances.
The dance group, which takes its name from the musician Lluís Millet, a composer and the founder of the Orfeó Català, is one of the organisations based at the Casa de la Festa la Violeta de Gràcia.