Esbart Joventut Nostra
The Esbart Joventut Nostra was set up in 1960 as part of the Agrupació Congrés de Barcelona, an association created four years earlier, following the construction of housing in the Congrés neighbourhood. They perform traditional dances from all the Catalan-speaking lands. Their shows include traditional Catalan popular dances, as well as some more recent ones produced by their choreographers and other, renowned artists.
The dance group consists of four sections, one of which is a dance school for training little children, aged 3-7. The dancers in the youth group are all aged 8-16; those of the dance corps are between 17 and 34, while the senior group starts at 35.
In 1978, along with three other esbarts – Montseny del Poble Nou, the Montserratí Martinenc of the Centre Moral del Clot, and Sant Jordi, a section of the Foment Martinenc association – they set up the Roda d'Esbarts Catalònia to organise outdoor dance festivals for the youth and children's groups. They added an esbarts veterans section in 2004. Every year the Esbart Joventut Nostra hold spring and autumn dance exhibitions in their centre, the Mostras de Dansa de Primavera i Tardor, and they work with the theatre group of the Agrupació Congrés.
They also perform at local dance and city festivals, notably the Aplec Internacional de la Sardana i Grups Folklòrics, which the Adifolk association organises in a different European city each year. In recent years they have taken part in the international festival Adifolk organises in Catalonia, the Jornades Internacionals Folklòriques de Catalunya, the Festival de l'illa de Menorca and Valldansa.
When they dance they are accompanied by a traditional music group, a cobla, although sometimes they use recorded music.
To mark their 50th anniversary in 2010, the Obra del Ballet Popular association presented them with its Continuity Award.