Esbart Dansaire Renaixença
The Esbart Dansaire Renaixença dance group was founded in 1988 and from the outset was immersed in the city's cultural and festive life. For this reason they take part in the majority of celebrations, like the Mercè festival, the main neighbourhood festivals, and the Mostra d'Entitats del Poble-sec. The group's performances include cercavila processions with stick dances, dance troupes accompanies by the traditional Catalan instrument, the gralla, 19th century dances, and spoken dances, as well as other demonstrations of traditional culture.
Among all the activities organised by the esbart, highlights include three festivals which it promotes: the biennial Festival Internacional Folklòric; the Festival Folk Infantil i Juvenil, which is also held every two years; and the annual tap dancing gathering, the Festival de Claqué al Carrer.
The Esbart Dansaire Renaixença is also dedicated to teaching dances to other folklore groups in the country as well as some abroad, such as the Esbart Montserrat de l'Havana, in Cuba. They also promote and raise awareness of Catalan dances in schools where they offer workshops on traditional dance and ball de bastons, stick dances.
The esbart's choreography has been seen across most of Catalonia and it has also taken part in international festivals. As a result they have travelled throughout Spain and Europe, giving performances in England, Portugal, Belgium and Italy, amongst other places.
As well as traditional music and dance, the esbart's members can take part in activities that include a wide range of musical and dance styles. This has enabled the creation of different groups with their own programmes, which perform in some of the esbart's shows. There are flamenco, tap and belly-dancing groups.