Festa major de Vilapicina i Torre Llobeta

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

The second week of October


Vilapicina is Nou Barris' most southerly neighbourhood, built long before most of the others in the district. It is built around the church, Santa Eulàlia, an old inn from the 15th and 16th centuries, Ca n’Artés, and an 18th-century farmhouse, Can Basté, which today houses a civic centre. Torre Llobeta, a social housing development built around this 15th-century manor house after the civil war of 1936-39, was later merged with it.

At the beginning of autumn, the festival committee set up by the residents' association, the Associació de Veïns de Torre Llobeta – Vilapicina, organises a festa major with lots of activities to liven up the neighbourhood for a week. In collaboration with local traders and associations, they draw up a programme that has something for everyone. It includes children's workshops and entertainment, folk dances from Catalonia and around the world, festival dances, big communal meals, talks and a havanera concert.

About festivities


Cantada d’havaneres. Every year Plaça de la Torre Llobeta holds the traditional havanera concert with rom cremat (burnt rum) for the audience.

Supplementary information