Festa major de Nou Barris

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Second fortnight in May, in the Nou Barris neighbourhood of the Nou Barris district

Nou Barris is a district of Barcelona that lies between the Collserola range and two other districts, Sant Andreu and Horta-Guinardó.  The thirteen neighbourhoods that make up this district were a major reception point for the immigrant Spanish workers that came to the city in the 1950s and 60s. So one of the most characteristic traits of this particular neighbourhood is its interculturalism, with Catalan culture and traditions coexisting with others from outside.

Every year, thanks to the collaboration of residents' associations, local traders and other associations, the district organises a festa major with a wide variety of activities for old and young alike that reflects Nou Barris' cultural diversity. You'll find castellers, havaneres, cercaviles, concerts, dances, big meals, theatre, competitions, lots of children's activities and more besides.

About festivities


Trobada de gegants. Popular festival figures also have their place in the festival. The district's giant couple, Baró and Trini, are the hosts of a trobada gegantera. This is a gathering of giants and other figures from around the city that take part in a cercavila, a procession round the main streets of Nou Barris that ends with their dance.

Castellers. The local castellers put on a display of human towers on the festival Sunday in Nou Barris' Plaça Major, with other groups they invite from the city and neighbouring counties.

Correfoc. On the Saturday evening, the neighbourhood lights up thanks to the presence of devils – kids and adults – and dragons that make their way round the heart of the district, from Plaça Major to Parc Central.

Cantada d’havaneres. Every year the Societat Coral l’Ideal d’en Clavé takes charge of organising a Cuban havanera concert, which the audience accompanies with a drink of rom cremat  (burnt rum).

Sardanes. The main square, Plaça Major de Nou Barris, is the setting for sardana dancing on the festival Saturday morning.

Supplementary information


Nou Barris District.