Festa major de Navas

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Second fortnight of May in the Navas neighbourhood, Sant Andreu district


Navas is the newest neighbourhood in the Sant Andreu district and is a mix between the Eixample grid and newly constructed buildings. The name is taken from the street Carrer de Navas de Tolosa, which is the central axis of the neighbourhood, and where all the activities of the festa major, the main festival, take place. Every year a stage is set up at the point where this street meets Carrer de Josep Estivill, and this area is where the majority of the popular culture events are held, like the correfoc fire run, the diada castellera gathering of human towers, traditional sardana dancing, dance exhibitions and the singing of habaneras.

About festivities


Choral concert. A concert by the singers of the Orfeó la Lira de Sant Andreu is held in the parish church Sant Joan Bosco.

Correfoc. The Diables del Clot devils' group is in charge of the neighbourhood's correfoc fire run, which passes through the most central streets in Navas and finishes with a pyrotechnic display in Plaça de Ferran Reyes.

Concert. On the Saturday afternoon, the Banda Simfònica de Roquetes gives a concert on the stage in Carrer de Josep Estivill.

Diada castellera. On the Sunday of the festa major, the human tower-building group, the Colla Castellera Jove de Barcelona, which has strong links to the Sant Andreu district, holds a diada, a gathering, which also involves a couple of other groups from outside the city.

Sardanes. After the human towers have been built, there is a concert of traditional music for sardanes on the festival stage in Carrer de Josep Estivill.

Catalan dance gala. On Sunday afternoon, the Esbart Gaudí dance troupe performs in a dance exhibition on the festival stage.

Habaneras.The celebrations are brought to a close by the singing of habaneras in the cantada d’havaneres.

Supplementary information


Associació de Festes Barri de Navas.