Festa major de les Corts
Activity dates
Dates de celebració
First fortnight of October in the Les Corts neighbourhood and district
Feast Day: Mare de Déu del Remei, second Sunday in October
The Les Corts neighbourhood was part of the old town of Sarrià but, after a lot of quarrels at the start of the 19th century, it became independent in 1823. The Mare de Déu del Remei parish dates from that time, as do the town hall and its main festival, the festa major, three key elements of the town. The rapid urban changes Les Corts experienced in 20th century did not damage the neighbourhood's character, and it kept its own identity.
The festa major reflects all this history and enables them to give a full picture of the neighbourhood's cultural life and associations. Three squares, Can Rosés, Concòrdia and Comas, lie at the heart of the old town and are the main hub of the festival. The pick of the events include the joint correfoc, a morning with the dance of the City Eagle and a human tower display, plus an exhibition of traditional dancing at the Pedralbes Monastery.
The second weekend of October is one that many towns dedicate to the Feast of the Mare de Déu del Remei, with flower offerings in the Virgin's honour. One of the more notable popular customs of this dedication consists of putting a silk ribbon on pregnant women which, they say, helps them to give birth.
The link between Les Corts' festival and the Feast of the Mare de Déu del Remei was encouraged by one of the first parish priests, Pere Pla, who was in charge there between 1847 and 1851.
About festivities
Supplementary information
Comissió de Festa Major de les Corts.