Festa major de la Vila Olímpica

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Beginning of July in the Vila Olímpica neighbourhood, Sant Martí district

Development in the new neighbourhood of Vila Olímpica began in the 1990s on previous industrial land in Poblenou, to house the athletes taking part in the 1992 Olympic Games. A result of this transformation is that the sea front in the area was restored, and there are now beaches and a promenade next to the sea. Once the Olympic Games were over, the flats were sold and the new neighbourhood became full of life and energy.

Vila Olímpica's festa major, the main festival, lasts three days and is held on the Friday to Sunday closest to the first weekend in July. Because of the good weather and its proximity to the sea, many events are held in the open air, including on the Bogatell beach and the promenade. Even though this is a relatively recent festa major, there is a wide range of activities aimed at a diverse public. Popular and traditional culture is very important: the annual cantada d’havaneres, where Cuban havaneres are sung is one of the best in the city.


The festa major of Vila Olímpica has been taking place since 1993, when the houses that had been used the previous year by the athletes in the Olympic Games, were taken over by the area's first residents. This makes it one of the most recent festes majors in the city.

About festivities


Cantada d’havaneres. As it is a seaside neighbourhood, Vila Olímpica starts its festa major with a recital of  havaneres on Bogatell beach. While the groups sing, there is a sardinada, a community sardine feast, followed by flaming rum. The event is brought to a close by a firework show on the breakwater.

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