Orchestras and freedom. 40 years of Plateria

Imatge destacada

Orchestras and freedom. 40 years of Plateria

Forty years have passed since a dance orchestra set up expressly for the 1974 New Year's Eve celebrations at the Zeleste in Barcelona marked the start of an era, a festive response to the dictatorship. The first really popular festes majors were organised, the neighbourhoods were buzzing and the festivals were an expression of popular roots.

The Orquestra Plateria were the first, the detonator for an era. They were an expression of society at the time and also influenced it. After a while a host of these dance orchestras were created, with different personalities, but they all reinvented the dance festival.

The material on these events and times on display at this exhibition has come from interviewing a number of important witnesses: those involved in setting up and managing the orchestras.