Exhibition loan
The following travelling exhibitions are available, dealing with a variety of popular and traditional culture themes. You can apply to have them shown at your organisation.
The following travelling exhibitions are available, dealing with a variety of popular and traditional culture themes. You can apply to have them shown at your organisation.
A travelling exhibition consisting of fourteen sections in seventeen foldable and easy-to-install panels, which cover Apel·les Mestres' main artistic and intimate facets: sketcher, illustrator, musician, songbook collector, friend, group-discussion speaker, playwright, bibliomaniac, graphic designer, poet, folklorist, figurine designer, gardener and traveller. The exhibition is illustrated with sketches, photographs, portraits, caricatures, figurines, etc. and quotes from Apel·les Mestres and other authors. A book by Montserrat Garrich which complements the exhibition has been published. Stemming from the same project, the Esbart Català de Dansaires has also published a sound recording of Cançons per la mainada.
The cançons de pandero or cançons de tambor popular women's songs must have been a common feature in life during the end of the 19th and start of the 20th centuries. They have left a strong mark on regions ranging from Priorat to Noguera. The exhibition Cançons de pandero brings together the cross-disciplinary work of several professional teams from Catalan cultural museums and institutions.
An exhibition on various aspects of the 425 years of the Festes de Sant Roc in Barcelona's cathedral quarter, the oldest folk festival in honour of a saint in the city. The vision began in 1519 with the proclamation of Sant Roc (St Roch) as Barcelona's patron saint and continued until 1563, when the city council of that time, the Consell de Cent (Council of One Hundred) made a city vow to the saint. When locals founded a brotherhood known as the ‘Confraria de Sant Roch de la Plassa Nova’ in 1589, it marked the start of this festival, which has changed a lot over four centuries. Today the Festes de Sant Roc are a firmly established tradition and part of Barcelona's festival heritage.