Times and prices

Plan your visit to the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món.



Opening times

Summer opening times: 1 May 1 to 30 September

Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays, 10 am-8 pm

Closed on Mondays (except public holidays)

(The ticket office shuts 30 minutes before the museum closes)

Winter opening times: 1 October to 30 April

Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm

Sundays and public holidays, 10 am to 8 pm

Closed on Mondays (except public holidays)

The museum is closed on

1 January

6 January

1 May

24 June

25 December

26 December


Parc Montjuic Venue Montcada Venue
Today Thursday Open 10:00h - 19:00h Open 10:00h - 19:00h
14/03/2025 Friday Open 10:00h - 19:00h Open 10:00h - 19:00h
15/03/2025 Saturday Open 10:00h - 19:00h Open 10:00h - 19:00h
16/03/2025 Sunday Open 10:00h - 19:00h Open 10:00h - 19:00h
17/03/2025 Monday Closed Closed
18/03/2025 Tuesday Open 10:00h - 19:00h Open 10:00h - 19:00h
19/03/2025 Wednesday Open 10:00h - 19:00h Open 10:00h - 19:00h


Parc Montjuïc Venue
  • Permanent collection: €5.20 (general), €3.70 (discount)
Montcada Venue
  • Permanent collection: €5.20 (general), €3.70 (discount)
  • The Montcada Venue temporary exhibition: €3.00 (general), €2.10 (discount)
  • Permanent collection + temporary exhibition: €5.20 (general), €3.70 (discount)
Combined tickets
  • Permanent and temporary exhibitions at the Montcada and Parc Montjuïc venues: €5.20
  • Combined ticket with the Egyptian Museum: €12
  • - This ticket also gives you access to the Parc Montjuïc Venue.
  • - Admission to the Montcada Venue's permanent collection + Admission to the Parc Montjuïc Venue's permanent collection
Free admission
  • Every Sunday, from 3 pm to 7:30 pm*
  • First Sunday of every month, from 10 am to 7:30 pm*
  • Minors under the age of 16
  • Accredited members of ICOM
  • Accredited members of the Catalan Association of Museologists
  • Professional tourist guides performing their work
  • Regulated teachers accredited by their school’s board
  • Regulated teachers when accompanying a group of students
  • Targeta Rosa Gratuïta card holders
  • The person accompanying those with accredited disabilities
  • Individuals who have a metropolitan pass for accompanying a person with a disability
  • Duly accredited journalists
  • BCN Card holders
  • People on the Gaudir + BCN register
  • Adults accompanying children benefiting from the Culture Notebook (one adult per child)
  • Duly accredited heritage donors will have free admission to the museum to which they have formalised the donation.
  • 12 February, for the St. Eulàlia festival, except it's Monday which the museum will be closed (open days)

  • 18 May, for International Museum Day (open days)

  • 24 September, for the Mare de Déu de la Mercè festival (open days)

* The ticket office shuts 30 minutes before the museum closes.

  • People aged 16 to 29
  • People aged 65 or over
  • Unemployed people or visitors who have the Targeta Rosa Reduïda card
  • Families, with a maximum of two accompanying adults, at least one of whom is a parent or guardian. There must be at least one family member under the age of 16
  • People with accredited disabilities (free for those accompanying them)
  • Large-family card holders
  • Single-parent family card holders
  • Biblioteques de Barcelona card holders and/or BCN Cultura card holders
  • Barcelona Card Express holders
  • Groups of 10 people or more
  • The acquisition of the exposure catalog will entitle two reduced entries

* Proof of status is required in all cases.

Other discounts: Bus Turístic (20% discount on the general ticket).
  • Permanent collection: €4.00
  • Temporary Exhibition: €2.40
  • Combined: €4.00