
Parc de les Tretze Roses

Situated in the district of Marina del Prat Vermell, this park is Barcelona’s big new green infrastructure.

The park has several green spaces, squares and play areas. There are two main meadows: a small one, for sitting and playing, and a second, larger one defined by two green walls that will act as a reservoir for river water filtration. The meeting point of the park is a central plaza that overlooks the two meadows.

This big new green lung also has two large gardens. One is sloping and planted with varied vegetation: lavender, rosemary, grey-leaved euryops and Japanese cherry, among others. The other garden is in the water absorption area and has the characteristic vegetation of wetlands and lagoons, with pebbles, tamarinds and games. Infrastructure in the new park includes swings, a zipline and other wooden elements that mark out a circular course for races. There is also street furniture to encourage local people to linger: 108 benches, 76 chairs, bicycle parking, fountains and lighting elements. In addition, 220 trees have been planted.

The park comes as a boost for the transformation of the Marina del Prat Vermell area, where a new neighbourhood is currently being built to accommodate some 28,000 residents and 12,000 homes, generate between 8,000 and 11,000 jobs, and promote an area of 75 hectares, equivalent to 40 street blocks of the Eixample.