
Plaça de Sóller park

This square was originally inaugurated in 1983, enclosed by a porticoed construction that cut it off from the neighbourhood. At one end was the Ateneu La Bòbila community centre. The difficulty of entering or leaving it and major architectural barriers had turned it into an underutilized space, excluded from everyday local life.

Neighbourhood protests called for the comprehensive reform of the complex, and a participatory process was organized to establish the following guidelines: reconnecting the park with the everyday lives of local residents by bringing down barriers and generating an inclusive, accessible, safe space designed according to a gender perspective; reactivating the social life of the neighbourhood and the community network, providing support to multiple needs and activities; putting people first; renaturalizing the space and increasing biodiversity, improving the quality of life of local people, and making the park a space for health and a climate refuge.

Today, a new network of accessible routes connects the neighbourhood through the park. The park’s spaces —the agora, the shade structure, the gymnasium, the children’s playground, the sports area, the natural lake and the large multipurpose square— are joined by the spaces of the Ateneu La Bòbila community centre, which has been remodelling, extended and integrated as one use more.