
Parc de l’Aqüeducte

In a participatory process involving local people as part of the Neighbourhood Plan programme, the old football ground in this district in the north of Barcelona has been transformed into green spaces, seating areas, a children’s playground with slides and sports facilities for all ages, from a sports court to an area with gymnastic equipment and eight pétanque courts.

The new Parc de l’Aqüeducte opens up in a large accessible space connected to the Collserola hill range and the natural environment that surrounds it, with no physical barriers to prevent people from walking around without the need for steps. The aqueduct that gives the new park its name, built at the end of the 19th century to supply the city with water from the Ripoll and Caldes streams, has special lighting with different colours that highlight the beauty of this architectural feature at night: some lights simulate the passage of water and others highlight the six great arches.