
Green axes: carrer de Cristóbal de Moura

The development of c/Cristóbal de Moura begins in the stretch between c/Fluvià and c/Provençals, with the aim of turning it into a traffic-calmed green axis that joins the Parc del Centre in Poblenou and the Parc del Besòs, with the focus is on the neighbourhood and pedestrians.

New planning for c/Cristóbal de Moura rethinks this street in the 22@ district as a healthier green strip with less traffic and spaces to encourage neighbourhood activity. The 26 m wide central thoroughfare, landscaped and tree-lined, is given 3.5 m wide pavements along the building line, a bike lane and a service lane.

The naturalization of c/Cristóbal de Moura helps to realize the strategy of uniting neighbourhoods with greenways, returning healthy and functional spaces to local people and restoring facilities to public uses.